
Formation and different types of family in sociology

Family is the primary institute of a person. It is the smallest unit of society Where a person grow up. A person learn norm and behavior from his family. Then society affect on one's behavior. Peoples behavior is mostly affected by their relatives who lives in the same family.A family is consist of some relationship. It may be based on blood connection or marital connection. A family should have some characteristics. The factors that is considered to create a family. If one don't follow this characteristics it can't be a family.

Intimate relationship

Intimate relationship means the relationship where all the members of the family loves each other. Because, to live in a family it is very essential.

Bridal relationship

Generally a family is originated from a bridal or marital relationship where spouses make a family. Then the family is increased through the birth of children. It may contain father, mother, sister, brother and other relatives.

Blood connection

Without marital relationship all the family member's should have blood connection to make a family. For example, brother, father, sister, mother etc. Most of the family of the world is made from the blood connection.

All these condition must be followed to make a family. There are some characteristics of family.
1. A family must be in a same place or house. some members may outside of the family. But it is essential to lead a family happily.
2. All the members in a family must have an intimate relationship.
3. Members in a family should bloody connected.
4. All the members in the family should co-operated to each others.
5. Family members should committed to each other to help in any troubles.
6. Helpfulness must have in the family.
7. Family must bear all accommodation cost of all the family members.
8. The family should have a chair person whom respect all the members.
9. All the member in the family share their income to operate their family.
10. All the family members should have respect among them.
All these characteristics should have in the family to lead perfectly.

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