
National university degree , honours and Masters Exam result

Get national university degree , Honors and masters result in bangladesh. This article may help you to get all kinds of exam result in bd. You can get all right and latest sources of getting examination result of national university in Bangladesh.

National university honours exam result by message

You can easily get the result of national university honors pass from your mobile. You should type a message following these format for first year, second year, third year and final year and then send this message to 16222.

NU space HP1 space Last 7 digits of registration number (first year)

NU space HP2 space Last 7 digits of registration number (Second year)

NU space HP3 space Last 7 digits of registration number (Third year)

NU স্পেস HP4 space Last 7 digits of registration number (fourth year)

National university degree exam result by sms on mobile

To get degree pass exam result that means BBS, BA and BSC result by sms on mobile write message with this format given below then send to 16222. You will get your result with a return message.

NU space DEG space Registration number

National university masters final exam result with sms

Write a message in your mobile following this format and send to 16222 to get result of national university masters examination.

NU space MP space Roll/Registration number (masters 1st part)

NU space MF space Roll/Registration number (masters final part)

National university degree , honors and masters exam results online

You can also get the result of honours 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, degree, masters 1st part and masters 2nd part from internet. You can get all result of national university of all years like 2017, 2018, 2019 , 2020 and others from the web archive of national university. This site basically a result archive.

National university degree , honors and masters exam results online here

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